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ALL-Ready Pilot network of LLs and RIs soon to be launched

One of the main aims of ALL-Ready is to prepare and pilot a European network of Living Labs (LL) and Research infrastructures (RIs) that will enable the transition towards agroecology throughout Europe.

The pilot network will serve:

  • as a small-scale testbed to experiment and give feedback on the tools and recommendations developed in the ALL-Ready project (across WPs)
  • to build strong links and cooperation between the different agroecology-focused living labs, research infrastructures and open innovation arrangements across Europe
  • to prepare joint activities in line with the common agroecological interest of the pilot members (sustainable soil management, short food supply chain practices etc.).

After a selection process conducted between June and August 2021, the ALL-Ready pilot network is ready to be launched with 15 pilot members by the end of 2021. Out of the selected members, nine identify as agroecological Living Labs, five as agroecological research infrastructures and one as both. The composition of the network is very diverse, representing all four European regions (Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern Europe), different scope of activities (from local to international), maturities (from young to very mature), scales of users (from small (< 50 users) to large scale (> 200 users)), and different levels of agroecology practice (from field to food system level). The selected members are:

Living Labs:

Research Infrastructures:


In addition to the 15 members, two external advisor initiatives will support the work of the network: Agricultural Climate Solutions from Canada and Guadalinfo from Spain.

Update April 2022:

The current composition of the pilot network can be found here.

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